Tuesday, 29 October 2013


Autumn at last - when nature changes it's colours to golden browns and deep, rich reds. The nights are colder and it's getting darker but the world is still fascinating!

 Remember the butterfly I found laying on the ground over the Summer? The other day I found a Tortoiseshell Butterfly in my lounge! Because it is no longer Summer, I had to go down to my cellar and release it. We often have butterflies hibernating in our cellar and so I hope that this beautiful one I discovered is ok. I wasn't able to take a picture as I had to catch it with a jar to be able to ensure it's safe journey but I hope that you've enjoyed the tale nonetheless!

A couple of weeks ago, I was riding my bike, when I say some birds on the road, pecking at something. It took me by surprise when I saw that this thing was still moving, so I stopped and went up to it. To my horror, I saw another bird, injured and in pain. I don't know why but this just hit me with a wave of emotion and I knew then that I couldn't just leave it; I couldn't let it be pecked to death. So, with some pitiful hope, I picked up the bird and ran to the side of the road. There I cradled the bird, which was shaking in pain, and then placed it on the floor, so as not to cause it any more suffering. After a few shudders, the bird just stopped moving, so suddenly that I wasn't sure at first what had happened. I moved the carcass to the edge and tucked it under some grass to give it the best dignity I could. This incident just moved me so much and, I admit, I cried. It seemed so unfair and so poignant

When I returned home, I told the story to my Mum, though I was in tears before I'd finished. She told me that she was so proud of me and that it showed who I was. She said that I gave that bird comfort in it's last moments and that it really mattered that it died with that peace. Now, I understand that, despite my intentions, I couldn't have saved that bird, but in a way I did save it. I saved it from dying a lonely death.

If any of you readers, wherever you are, whoever you might be, ever see any creature, or indeed human, who needs help, please help it, even if it is dying. I know this may sound weak minded and a bit pathetic, but it truly shows who you are and if you can do this, you're a special person to me!

Thanks for reading (sorry for the dismal tale).

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