Monday, 12 May 2014

Singing in the Rain

Everybody loves the sunshine, but the rain can make things look just as beautiful...


 This is a Corkscrew Willow, with its bendy branches and twirly twigs.

This unusual bendiness gives the plant its nickname.

This is a picture of rain droplets decorating blades of grass, the blades heavy with the weight of the water.

The droplets almost seem to be balancing on the grass blades; any movement causes them to run off and tumble down to the ground.

Alchemilla Mollis leaves in the rain have so much character. Due to their almost fur-like coating, they hundreds of tiny droplets, making them look magical.

They look completely different in the rain...

These Geranium leaves - I think - stand out with their vibrant lime green colour and give a flash of colour on dull rainy days. I love how they seem to jump out of the photo.

I know this is more photo-based today and I don't have a story but I hope you appreciate how beautiful your garden is in the rain.