Only a short post today!
The other day, when I was riding my bike, I came across two geese standing either side of a swan, as if guarding it. They had their heads held up high and didn't move when people came close.
Geese are known for not getting scared and they can (from time to time) be quite aggressive birds. But I had never witnessed this bizarre behaviour! I was shocked but managed to get some photos.
Pets are prone to illness and infections, however small they may be. Luckily, most are treatable...if your pet cooperates...
This blog usually talks about wildlife but today I'll be telling you about my very stubborn cat.
Snuffy, my cat, is quite old - she is older than me (!) - and, recently, she has developed what we believe to be ear-mite. The fur on her ears is quite thin from scratching and they can irritate her from time to time.
My family decided that it was time to do something and so we purchased some ear drops that treat multiple ear infections. It was decided that I give her the drops.
The first time I tried to apply the drops, my Dad held Snuffy's head whilst I applied the drops. But Snuffy developed this clever tac-tic of crawling backwards. I tried with her standing up, but she walked about, gleeful in her success.
So I tried whilst she was asleep. I swear that cat has a sixth sense; as I was about to put the drop into her ear, she woke up, looked me in the eyes. I tipped her head, got one in. At long last!
Nope! Snuffy decided that this was a great time to shake her head and get out the ear drops.
Now, we are both more used to it and so applying the drops is a little easier. Anyone with pets will understand my pain. I urge you to tempt your pet with treats - my cat sulked when she didn't get any after her 'horrifying' experience - and keep trying!
Thanks for reading.
Happy Easter everyone! I'm so glad its Spring! After the cold winter, flowers are starting to reappear, trees are turning green and animals wake up from hibernation.
What to look out for:
- wild rabbits
- bees (again)
- tadpoles
- chicks - be careful if you're tidying your garden so that you don't disturb nests (if a nest is disturbed, the mother often abandons her chicks).
- any new flowers
Say goodbye to snow and say hello to Spring! Throughout Spring I will be writing more posts packed with stories and things to do. I hope you're ready!
Thanks for reading.